Friday, September 05, 2008

Show and Tell Friday - Crocks and Stuff

Happy Friday to everyone!

I wanted to show you some crocks that I have gathered on my travels. A friend of mine gave me this before she moved to Arizona. It's in my guest bedroom and has a basket of flowers on it usually, but I'm in the middle of putting in the fall flowers.

This one is in my foyer and I change the flowers with the seasons. I love this bunch of "faux" hydrangeas!

One of my dearest friends had this crock made of our house. We were married in 2000 and bought this house that same year. It sits on a cute table in my foyer.

Here is a photo of that table in the little nook. The clock was made for my Mom from the Bradford Exchange some time in the 70's. I love it! The little photo of Michael is one my most favorites.

I hope you enjoyed my little post. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Visit Kelli's Place Kelli's Place for more wonderful SNT posts!


A Hint of Home said...

I like your crocks. I have a few but they are much smaller.
Very pretty clock.

Carla said...

I love your header! How cool is that? I like crocks too, I have one that holds my kitchen utensils. SOMEDAY I'm getting one with our names and est. 1988 on it! I really like yours with flowers in it. The table/clock/photo/little lamp arrangement is sweet!

nannykim said...

There is something so heart warming about crocks!! They conjure up feelings of home.

Anne Fannie said...

I love your crocks. I have some that belonged to my Grandmother and I have plants in them.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love crocks and have several. I also have always wanted one of those personalized ones. Very nice post.

Susan said...

What lovely crocks, especially have one with your home on it. What a special gift that was. The clock is lovely, too. Our daughter has a similar one I've always admired.

Missy Wertz said...

your crocks are very nice!

Kelli said...

What wonderful crocks, Linda! You have them displayed so nicely!

A Hint of Home said...

No, I didn't hear about that game. I'll have to ask hubby. We are headed to Detroit in Oct. for a family wedding then off to see our daughter in CA.
Go Wings! Have a great weekend.

Pamela said...

The crock with the picture of your house is beautiful. What a unique gift! Do you have any idea where she bought it?